It's here. It is upon us. The lockdown has arrived. So many things are uncertain right now and that is why the Lucy Can't Dance team are going to be releasing some blog posts over the following weeks to try and boost everyone's morale.
First things first, we need to try to alter our mindsets to see this period as an opportunity for some time out to learn new skills, develop new hobbies and spend some much needed time with our households and friends.
We asked the LCD team to share their fun ideas for things to do in a lockdown, and we have compiled a list of the top 10 answers!
1. Learn a new language!
Download the Duolingo app, add your friends / colleagues and all learn the same language! Next time you meet up try and hold your first conversation back together in another language!

2. Dress up fancy, slow dance with your dog and drink some rum!
Make a playlist of your favourite songs, turn the lights down, pour yourself a drink, blast those tunes and go ¨out out in in¨! Some of your fave DJs and bands may also stream live sets! Gok Wan is streaming live DJ sets via his instagram every saturday night, and we are sure others are going to go the same way! Check out this article by The Guardian and keep your eyes peeled on your online platforms:

3. Get moving to some of Mr Motivator's workouts on Youtube!
If there's anyone that can get us into a positive mindset right now, it is our one true love, Mr Motivator. Many of the LCD team have seen Mr Motivator live, and two of us have met him! He is our life inspo and not only will you get a super fun workout, but he also throws in some incredible life lessons along the way! Chuck on some colourful workout gear and turn the volume up! WE LOVE YOU MR MOTIVATOR!

4. Host a dinner party / afternoon tea via ZOOM!
You can download the ZOOM app for free on your phones, tablets and computers! It is technically a conferencing app where you can all see and hear each other! Arrange a time to all sit down for dinner / drinks and hang out virtually! This has been tried and tested by our LCD team and it really is great. After a while you forget you aren´t hanging out in real life!

5. Write your own erotic novel!
Use your favourite novel as a fun template to follow or go completely rogue and let your imagination go wild! Share them with your friends and let's get weird!
I made a Harry Potter Erotica for one of my best mates and it was great fun!

6. Learn every word to Bohemian Rhapsody and create your own music video!
Time to get creative! Get your friends to all learn the same song, create a music video per household and then share them with each other, either by sending them directly or by using the ¨share¨ screen on ZOOM! That way you can get everyone's live reactions!

7. Create your best DIY wedding dress!
Dig out your old bed sheets, some scissors and that emergency sewing kit you definitely own and create your best DIY wedding dress! The crazier the better and we want to see ALL of your creations! Send us photos of you in your dresses and we will do something fun with them in the coming weeks! We also give extra points for matching outfits for your pets!

8. Learn the Single Ladies dance in its entirety!
Come on ladies, we´ve all thought about it before and now we have the time to put it into action! Sally is making it her personal goal to have mastered the single ladies dance by the time we finish quarantine (she is a self confessed awful dancer) and she wants everyone to join her! There are many tutorials on YouTube, however Sally will be using the tutorial by Andrea Wilson. Send us in your videos of you learning your favourite iconic dance and bust it out at your next event you attend!

9. Find a super fancy cake to try and replicate at home ¨Nailed It!¨ style!
Nothing brings more joy than a proper home made cake! And because we are all quarantined you can keep it all for yourself! Send us pics of your best attempts and we will pop them all onto a blog post for everyone to see!

Science says that we should. And who can argue with science?! Masturbating has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, boost productivity, elevate mood, improve sleep and release tension! We do have a whole lot of time on our hands… There is an incredible website called OMGyes which is an honest, informative, research based approach to womenś pleasure and shows you how to get to know your own body! Invest in yourself and your happiness!

There it is! Our top 10 fun things to do in a lockdown! We would love for you to share your videos and photos with us of everything that you are doing for fun in the coming weeks. Send them to Lucy Can´t Dance on Instagram and Facebook.
Sending much love to you all! Stay safe!
Team Lucy Can´t Dance