Book your Appointment with Lucy Can't Dance

Take a trip to our exciting Chelmsford Studio.

Have an appointment with Lucy and try on all of our wedding dress designs.

Together we can discuss designs, colours, fabrics and pick out your perfect dress. Our studio is like no other!

The studio is very relaxed & friendly, ensuring you have an amazing time trying on our wedding dresses.

Everyone is welcome!

The studio is by appointment only. Just send us a message with what days and times are best for you. We will quickly reply with some available slots.
We can do weekdays, nights and weekends.

Appointments are free of charge

Book your appointment

Our reviews & ratings

Our Quirky Tropical Bridal Studio
Lucy Can't Dance logo

Our Bridal Boutique Address

Second Floor, 29 Springfield House
29 Springfield Road

Please tell us your available days and times for appointments and what designs have caught your eye.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate ring us on 01245 290648

The fantastic LCD bridal studio and neon sign
Tattooed Alternative Bride
Intricate Wedding Dress