To Celebrate The Important Month of Movember, I will Be Celebrating by making my list of the top 5 best famous moustaches!
Please Add Your Own List To See What you prefer!
5. At number 5 we have the King of the Porno Tash! Ron Jeremy!
Famous for his Naughty Films! He invented the sleazy Tash!
4. At number 4 we have Mr Tom Selleck! Mr Big Fluffy Moustache!
3. At number 3 we have king of the wrestling ring! Mr Hulk Hogan
2. At number 2 we have the always classy Mr Ron Burgendy! Showing us his rich mahogany Moustache!
1. And finally At Number 1 we have the quirky Mr Salvidor Dali! Showing his artistic styling!
What Are Your Top 5????